Tuesday, October 16, 2012

In Class Blog

What have we learned about Zeitoun and Kathy from the book so far, and how do you think their personalities affected their decisions as Hurricane Katrina approached?
 I have learned a variety of things from Zeituon and Kathy so far. Zeituon and Kathy are the main character of the nonfiction book by Dave Eggers. Zeituon and Kathy are a marriage with four children Zachary (Kathy’s son from her first marriage), Nademah, Aisha and Safiya. Living in New Orleans and as a storm Katrina is heading into the city, both decided to make different decisions on whether or not they should leave the city. Zeitoun a hardworking man and dedicated to his business and his family economic wealth being. He is also known as a responsible man who cares a lot about his reputation when it comes to his work. I can almost describe him as a workaholic person. Kathy is a serious woman and caring mother who cares a lot for her family as much as Zeitoun did for his job. Kathy is also a decision maker, and she did not need Zeitoun’s full support; she was brave enough to make family decisions on her own. Although their personalities were a little bit different they were able to manage each other very well. Zeitoun was a romantic man and Kathy loves this. They were a happy marriage and got along very well personally and professionally.
When Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco of New Orleans ordered a voluntary evacuation, Kathy determined to leave the city to protect her children and to protect herself (Eggers 51). She wanted Zeitoun to go with them, but he refused to leave the city because he wanted to secure his job site (Eggers 53). Kathy tried to convince Zeitoun by all means, but he was a stubborn man and Kathy couldn’t do anything against it. Kathy went to her family house in Baton Rouge, leaving her husband in the city. Although Zeitoun’s decision to stay in the city was based mainly for his possessions, he ended up rescuing and helping many people and pets which he did not imagine he would do.

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