Monday, October 8, 2012

My Third Blog!

The Science of Climate Change

My name is Digna Colon and on this 3rd blog I will be responding to a revision of my 2nd blog as an assignment from my ENG 101 class composition. This revision is based on an evaluation done by Michael Gomez, a student from ENG 220. Mr. Gomez reviewed my blog and suggested that my previous blog needed some more information. He helped me analyzed the major ideas and some of the core issues on my previous blog have a better and understandable blog for the outside readers.  Our class is working on Climate Change and we are reading the book of The Global Warming Reader by Bill McKibben. We were assigned to read the chapters “The Anthropocene” by Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer, 2000 and “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change” by Naomi Oreskes, 2004.

“The Anthropocene”, chapter discuss how mankind’s activities which could be improved.  In addition, he gave me good ideas on how to fix my work in order to
have significantly grew and how these activities recognized by Sir Charles Lyell in 1833, and adopted by Geological Congress and a numbers of scientists have played a huge impact on climate change. Mankind has expanded in such an amazing way that the Earth resources are being exploited. For example, throughout the past three century population has increased tenfold to 6 billion and urbanization has also increased tenfold having as consequence a draining of the fossil fuel.

Globally this humans growth had led to the free of SO2 (carbon dioxide), NO (nitric oxide) and CH4 (methane) per year added to the atmosphere and oil burning causing the rising of temperature on Earth. According to Crutzen and Stoermer, “thirty to fifty percent of the land has been transformed by human action”, which clearly means that us human has oversea the natural reproduction of the Earth to impose our own methods. For example, “human activities has increased the species extinction rate by one-thousand to ten-thousand-fold in the tropical rain forest and several greenhouse gases have substantially increased in the atmosphere”. Furthermore,   humans released toxic substance that reaches the “ozone hole” that could have damaged a lot of ozone layer. Also mangroves are being affected by 50% of its loss. These examples clearly illustrate how the climate deterioration has taken place because of our irresponsible actions.

On the other hand, the chapter “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change “which is the report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC)  talks about how the media and policy makers believes that climate is highly unpredictable. Based on this observation, policy makers and the media have used this as an excuse to prevent any one and anything from taking stronger measure to stop the greenhouse gas emissions. IPCC unambiguously that climate is being affected by human activities and that is modifying the concentration of atmospheric constituents. They also conclude that the warming of the last fifty years is due to the increased of greenhouse gas concentration.

Finally, the negative impact that mankind activities play on climate change will continue to happen because human growth is a persistent issue that will not stop. In other words, globally human activities will continue to be a thread to Earth. If a wise plan is not developed to stop burning fossil fuel, the harm to the environment will continue and the extinction of animal species or natural disasters like hurricane, flooding and many others will not be prevented from happening. Having said this, I believed that human activities on Earth have a major direct impact on climate change and that we are going to be the direct cause of the destruction of our own planet.

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